<h1> to <h6> - Headline Colour and Size Are All The Same
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Dapiensociis temper donec auctortortis cumsan et curabitur condis lorem loborttis leo. Ipsumcommodo libero nunc at in velis tincidunt pellentum tincidunt vel lorem.
Thermostat Description
CU 111-S
Large LCD display + Display temperatures Recalibrates.
Built-in GFCI
Two relays for protection against writing error.
7 day programming with 4 separate Time & Temperature periods per day.
Permanent user setting and program setting retention during power loss.
Optional temperature display of Celsius or Fahrenheit scale.
Optional types of control for different heatingapplications: room control, floor control or room control with floor temperature limitation. Fahrenheit scale.
Memory backup and memory override
Large LCD display + Display temperatures Recalibrates.
Built-in GFCI
Two relays for protection against writing error.
7 day programming with 4 separate Time & Temperature periods per day.
Permanent user setting and program setting retention during power loss.
Optional temperature display of Celsius or Fahrenheit scale.
Optional types of control for different heatingapplications: room control, floor control or room control with floor temperature limitation. Fahrenheit scale.
Memory backup and memory override
Built-in high current relay
Optically-isolated digital input
Up to 4 temperature sensors
Wireless Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
Transmission range up to 250ft
Logging of the input, counter, temperature, humidity, relay state, and Vin
BASIC script support for advanced flexibility
Customizable web-based Control Page
Supports encrypted email servers, such as Gmail
Real-Time clock with NTP server synchronization
Automatic daylight savings and leap year adjustment
Field updatable
Removable terminal connectors for easy installation